πŸ“šThe fam.army Launchpad

Improved tokenomics for a better Socialfi experience

Instead of endlessly farming points that may result in an eventual underwhelming airdrop, we have configured the tokenomics to ensure:

  1. Token value growth β€” For each key being transacted, 4% of all trading fees will be used to immediately acquire FAM-MATIC liquidity which will be distributed as dividends. This will create a rising price floor for the $FAM token, and ensure that token holders are rewarded for holding $FAM.

  2. Transaction Mining Mechanics β€” Traders are rewarded for trading on Fam.Army. For each trade that you perform, 5% of trading fees goes to the creator. Another 5% of fees is issued back in the form of $FAM tokens through transaction mining. (E.g. you spend $10 worth of fees, $5 goes to creators, and $5 goes back to you as $FAM tokens). Due to the above buyback mechanism of $FAM token, it is probable to end up with >$5 worth of token value as token prices can increase. There will also be $FAM staking which therefore allows the entire fam bam to farm dividends.

  3. FAM token emissions will be cut β€” Once sufficient market share has been acquired, $FAM tokens will no longer be issued out as rewards, and instead, all transaction volume will be fully passed back on to $FAM token holders in the form of dividends.

  4. Putting the Social in SocialFi β€” Creators will be empowered to create bustling conversations sustainably. Key weaknesses in current SocialFi products revolve around communication that is either too structured or too unstructured (Some prevent community members from talking to one another while others allow all to converse in chat rooms even if they do not own the keys for access).

We've structured the launchpad with advice from the MMF team. It will run as such:

Launchpad Details

  • Start: 30th October, 5am UTC

  • End: 1st November, 5am UTC

  • Token Price: 0.5 USDC per token

  • Number of Tokens For Sale: 600,000

  • Amount to Raise: $300,000

  • Duration: 48 hours

  • Method: Overflow (If overflow > 10mil, we allow launchpad to raise up to $600,000)

In the β€œOverflow” method, users can subscribe as much or as little as they want to the launchpad, and their final allocation will be based on the amount of funds they put in as a percentage of all funds put in by other users at the time the sale ends.

The excess funds committed will be refunded back to the users after the sale. They will be able to claim both their new tokens and unused tokens after the sale has ended.

πŸ’° Launchpad Proceeds Allocation

If $300,000 or less is raised,

  • 35% sent to the team to form LP right after launchpad

  • 35% sent to the team on day 30

  • 10% of funds raised will be sent to MM DAO for buyback of MMF ecosystem token.

  • Remaining 20% as buy the dip fund (held by MMF team) to protect token price if it dips below launchpad price. Remaining proceeds will be returned to our team if the token price is sustained over 2 weeks.

If the raise is between $300,000 to $600,000,

  • 25% sent to the team to form LP right after launchpad

  • 35% sent to the team on day 30

  • 10% of funds raised will be sent to MM DAO for buyback of MMF ecosystem token.

  • Remaining 30% as buy the dip fund (held by MMF team) to protect token price if it dips below launchpad price. Remaining proceeds will be returned to our team if the token price is sustained over 2 weeks.

1. Before Sale

2. During the Sale

  • Commit your USDC tokens to get $FAM tokens on https://polymm.finance/launchpad during the launchpad window.

  • If you are worried that you are not able to commit in time due to delay or congestion on-chain, you can always choose to commit earlier.

3. After Sale

  • Claim your $FAM tokens

If there is an oversubscription, your excess USDC tokens will be refunded back to you.

Launchpad Whitelist for MMF

We are appreciative to the MM Finance team for giving us the opportunity, and have agreed on an exclusive whitelist for their token holders.

The whitelist collection will be available till 29th October, 5am UTC.

If you are an MMF token holder, head here: https://forms.gle/PMQt2qtQJXd9AqEc8

Last updated